Hello All,


I hope you are having a great summer!

What a great state we live in with so much to do.   I hope that you were able to get out and partake in the summer fun.

Can you believe that summer is winding down?.  Kids are getting ready to go back to school (if not already back).  Somehow it feels as if summer just got here.

Unfortunately, summer is preparing to exit stage left to make way for cooler temps and changing/falling leaves.

With this in mind, I want to pass along some tips and tricks to make this transition a seamless one.



Aeration is critical to healthy lawns.  The process loosens soil and creates pathways for air and moisture to reach grass roots.  Aeration should be done every 2 years (ideally in fall), depending on compaction of the soil. Each lawn is different.



Pruning should be done at least once per season.   June is the best month to prune over-all landscapes to ready plants for the summer.  October/November is the best time to cut back perennials in preparation for winter. As a rule of thumb, flowering plants should be pruned after flowering is complete. Pruning can be done at any time of the year except during dry periods. Trees should be pruned in the fall or winter for best results. Pruning times can be specific to different tree species. Please ask us about each species if you plan to do the work yourself. If you do not know the types of trees you have, I or my staff will be glad to come out and assess your landscape for specific instructions.


Fall Tips

  1. Make sure that as leaves fall, all gutters and downspouts are clear of debris and have proper above ground discharge for winter months. Make sure your sump pump lines have an above ground line installed for winter months.
  2. Disconnect all hoses.  Turn them off at the shut off valve inside your home, regardless of the hose bib type you have. Store hoses indoors for longer life.
  3. Mulching leaves into the lawn surface creates free fertilizer vs. raking and bagging. Even homes with heavy leaf cover can do this if leaves are mulched on a weekly basis.  The grass will be fine if you can see all the blades in your lawn when you are complete.  Leaves are organic matter-this process happens in the woods every year, and the leaves always break down. If you cannot mulch them all, light raking of the lawn surface and hauling is the next option.
  4. Cut the lawn a final time before first snowfall, normally mid-to late November.  Grass height should be 1½ to 2 inches. This will lessen the effects of spring brown patches and snow mold.


Enjoy the rest of summer,

Todd Ruedt

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