Falling Leaves? Time for Fall Clean-Up!

The leaves are falling fast. Yards everywhere are blanketed in gold, orange and yellow. Fall might have gotten a late start this year, but is quickly catching up.

This beautiful season is one of conundrums. Amid the colorful spectacle, nature is shutting down. The rich, vivid hues signal endings, not beginnings. The growing season is closing.

The must-do list for homeowners, though, is geared to the future. A fall yard cleanup in Brookfield, Elm Grove and New Berlin, WI, sets the stage to help plantings get through winter, and be reborn again in spring.

Fall yard cleanup in Brookfield, New Berlin, Elm Grove, WI

Have you started? Fall cleanup is much easier before frost, which serves as nature’s glue to fallen leaves. Raking and blowing become much harder afterward.

Fall cleanup isn’t complicated. Be sure to address these specific areas:

  • Planting beds: Rake or blow out fallen leaves and other debris. Your plants will thank you. Once accumulated, wet leaves can grow mold within weeks.
  • Leaves: Mulching with a lawnmower is easiest. The shredded material is natural fertilizer that can be left on the lawn or spread in planting beds, and breaks down quickly.
  • Gutters: Check and clean out gutters at least a few times during fall. Leaves can collect and create blockages, ones that only worsen when snow and ice enter the picture. Make sure downspouts are firmly attached, as well.

Fall leaf cleanup in Brookfield, New Berlin, Elm Grove, WI

  • Pruning: Prudent pruning gets plants ready for spring growth. Trim deciduous plants (those with leaves) down to the lowest buds on branches. Dead branches and shoots can be removed entirely. For trees, wait until all leaves have been shed before cutting any limbs.
  • Lawn: Fertilize once more to strengthen for winter. Cut grass down to 2 inches in late November.
  • Water shut-offs: You might still be watering plants, especially if some are newly planted. Once finished, remove hoses and store indoors. Close the shut-off valves inside the home to outside spigots. Be sure to open the spigots afterward to let excess water drain out.

Fall yard cleanup can be time-consuming, especially for those with large lots or numerous trees. Can’t get to all the tasks? Contact GMS, your lawn and landscaping partner. We’ll do the work to get your yard and home ready for what comes after this amazing time of year.

Enjoy the fall, a transitional season that nature paints in stunning shades and often begets gorgeous days. There’s work to be done, of course … but outdoors, during fall in Wisconsin, is not a bad place to be in the least.

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